Eaufrance, the public water information service, is offering a new thematic site dedicated to the economy of the water sector : Economie EauFrance
It aims to contribute to the transparency of water policy in France, and to inform the public on five themes concerning the economy of water:
Water charges, Water-related expenditure, Environmental values, Economic analysis and decision-making, Use of water
The platform provides data on water economics (water prices, amounts of aid and fees from the Water Agencies and Offices, costs of the Water Framework Directive measures programmes, ect....), whether produced and/or banked by partners of the Water Information System (WIS), or other structures.
Detailed thematic pages are presented with content accessible to everyone, such as the economic aspects of the Water Framework Directive and the economic analysis methods used to respond to it. Numerous technical publications document the five themes presented.
Many resources are available: key figures, news pages and method files.
This redesign is the result of collaborative work, organised and led by the French Biodiversity Agency, and supported by economists from the Ministry of Ecological Transition (DEB, CGDD) and the Water Agencies.
Some key figures on water saving
To access more data: https://economie.eaufrance.fr/donnees