To mark World Day of Artisan Fishermen and Fishworkers, the French Biodiversity Agency is highlighting two innovative solutions presented on the Solupêche platform.
The European BLUE4ALL project has been set up to improve marine biodiversity conservation and restoration efforts in the continent's Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). Its objectives are to harmonize regulatory requirements and social expectations, in order to bridge the gap between political objectives and stakeholder commitment.
As part of the UROS project, the ECLA "Ecosystèmes Lacustres" cluster has joined forces with the ECOCEAN company to design innovative devices to promote biodiversity in lake ecosystems. After 5 years of testing in real-life conditions, the initial results are encouraging.
In the fifth issue of "Biodiversité, des clés pour agir", the technical journal of the French Biodiversity Agency (OFB), Marie Motte, research engineer at INRAE and OFB details the National Plan for Diadromous Migrators.
On Monday September 18, the volcanoes and forests of Mount Pelée and the pitons of northern Martinique were inscribed on UNESCO's World Heritage List. This distinction confirms the richness of Martinique's biodiversity.
The French Biodiversity Agency (OFB) and its partners fully achieved their objectives during the second data acquisition campaign for the Balearic shearwater (Puffinus mauretanicus), which took place in southern Brittany.