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  • 对物种、环境和它们用途的认识、研究和专业知识
  • 环境政策和野生动物健康政策
  • 支持公共政策的实施
  • 管理和支持自然空间管理者
  • 支持参与者和社会动员
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French National Parks are home to territories remarkable for their natural and cultural diversity.
They celebrate the respectful balance between man, who has shaped the landscapes through his activities (pastoralism, agroforestry...) and nature, some of whose environments have remained out of reach, in areas ranging from Alpine peaks to the depths of the sea, through tropical forests.

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French National Parks are home to territories remarkable for their natural and cultural diversity.
They celebrate the respectful balance between man, who has shaped the landscapes through his activities (pastoralism, agroforestry...) and nature, some of whose environments have remained out of reach, in areas ranging from Alpine peaks to the depths of the sea, through tropical forests.

Their distribution on the French territory allows the protection and enhancement of a multitude of species and natural and rural areas. As the flagship of environmental protection, their network benefits from national and international recognition that promotes the excellence of their management methods, as well as the biological and geological quality of their territories.
The national parks, in perpetual movement, are intended to pass on to future generations preserved heritage, allowing everyone to benefit from spaces of resourcefulness.

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French National Parks

Monitoring hunting with birdlime: a large-scale operation carried out by the OFB in the PACA region

While hunting with birdlime has been forbidden for the 2020/2021 season, a major monitoring operation has mobilised OFB teams in south-eastern France. In order to ensure that the ban is observed, inspections were made over one week in sites where hunting with birdlime was carried out.

River pollution: a method for predicting the contamination of fish using crustaceans

Monitoring chemical pollution is a critical issue for the preservation of aquatic ecosystems and water quality. PFOS, a perfluorinated compound, highly persistent in the environment, is one of the highest-priority pollutants in the context of the WFD – Water Framework Directive – and must be monitored in aquatic environments, particularly in fish. Further to developing a methodology for monitoring contaminants in rivers focused on gammarids, small crustaceans sensitive to changes in their environment, the INRAE and the OFB have developed and tested an approach using these crustaceans to predict the contamination of fish. A feasibility study(1), published in ″Environmental Sciences Europe″, reveals that measuring the concentration of PFOS in captive gammarids accurately predicts that the environmental quality standard threshold of the compound has been exceeded.

Exceptional birth of loggerhead turtles in the French Riviera (Var)

On Wednesday August 26th, in the morning from 6 to 9 am, the first loggerhead turtle hatchlings were seen heading toward the sea. At the end of the morning, another dozen of hatchlings reached the sea, under the close monitoring of biologists and site managers. At 11 pm, the emergence process started up again and a second group reached the surface and crossed the 8 meters separating them from the sea. This hatching occurred after 46 days of incubation (usually between 45 to 65 days).

The Esprit National Park brand: 1000 products and services to explore the national parks of France in a new way!

Inspired by nature, the Esprit National Park brand continues its development in national parks throughout France. The product and tourist services offered by local companies committed to sustainable development has crossed the symbolic threshold of 1000 products!

The ocean for us with “C mon Spot !” Do your water sports while respecting marine biodiversity

On this World Oceans Day, under the aegis of the United Nations, the French Biodiversity Agency (OFB) urges you to resume your recreational nautical activities but calls for the greatest vigilance during this intense bird nesting period to avoid disturbance. To accompany you in your activities, the OFB has developed an original informational and awareness-raising tool for the Breton shoreline, the C mon spot website, to enable each and every person to be actively involved in biodiversity conservation.