The French Biodiversity Agency (OFB), Tour du Valat and partners identify potential new zoning for an African protected area of international importance

The French Biodiversity Agency (OFB), together with Tour du Valat, a research institute for the conservation of Mediterranean wetlands, and their partners, published today an original model of their migratory bird and large mammal count data for Chad. This model enables to suggest several zoning options to local decision-makers for a potential new protected area, maximizing biodiversity benefits and minimising social impacts.

STUDY: the French Biodiversity Agency examines 80 levers for action to better integrate biodiversity into renewable energy projects

At a time when the territorial deployment of renewable energies (RE) is accelerating, the French Biodiversity Agency (OFB) has published a study, commissioned from the consultancy firm PwC, aimed at identifying and promoting the levers developed internationally for integrating biodiversity into solar photovoltaic (ground-mounted or floating) and onshore wind farm projects. After cataloging initiatives in the field in eight countries, this study examines 80 levers for action and avenues for consideration for their possible activation in France

STUDY : Grazing pressure influences the diet of common alpine birds

The French Biodiversity Agency (OFB), the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (EPHE), the Pyrenees and Mercantour National Parks, and their partners have published a study on the diet of common birds in the mountains. Using an innovative method, it characterizes the different diets of insectivorous birds according to the intensity of grazing on the sites they occupy.

The French biodiversity agency and the French Embassy in Canada at the forefront of ocean protection at IMPAC5

The French biodiversity agency (OFB), the French Embassy in Canada, the Alliance Française and marine protected area managers from mainland France and the overseas territories are meeting until February 9, 2023 in Vancouver, Canada for the International Marine Protected Areas Congress (IMPAC5). Organized every four years, this scientific and technical congress brings together more than 1,300 marine protected area managers from around the world to implement international objectives to protect and restore these threatened areas.