France Relance Recovery Plan: the OFB supports over 100 new projects in favour of biodiversity in the territories

The French Biodiversity Office (OFB) unveils the list of winners of the second session of the "Atlas of Communal Biodiversity" (ABCs) and "MobBiodiv'Restoration" calls for projects, launched in July 2021 within the framework of the France Relance Recovery Plan, thus closing a particularly mobilising year in favour of supporting actors in the territories.

A new University Diploma (D.U.) on maritime professions

Within the framework of the France Relance national plan, the Martinique Marine Natural Park has concluded an initial partnership with the ICEA, Institut Catholique Européen des Amériques, for the implementation of a new University Diploma on the sea trades. A grant of €131,065 has been allocated by the French Office for Biodiversity to carry out this project.

Future Maore Reef: the installation of the first artificial reefs in Mayotte

Thanks to the government's recovery plan, the Institut de recherche pour le développement and the Parc naturel marin de Mayotte, with the support of the Centre universitaire de formation et de recherche de Mayotte and the Université de la Réunion, are launching the Future Maore Reef programme for a two-year period.

Experimental restoration of a landfill on île d'Ouessant

For more than 70 years and until recently, an anfractuosity in the cliff on the tip of "Bougeo Ar Pebr" in the south-east of île d'Ouessant, was used as a public dump. With the support of the "France Relance" plan, the marine park has launched a project to remove the waste from the cliffside and carry out experimental restoration. This is a technical challenge in an environment where there are many hazards and constraints.